
Our mission is for every young person to know their intrinsic worth. We're accomplishing this through free educational resources for parents and educators to download and use with their students.


Our Story

Embracing this new opportunity, we refocused our efforts by providing educators and parents with the resources they need to help their students navigate important life topics, such as mental health, body image, and having strong friendships. 

All of our education resources are created by teachers for teachers, and are designed to inspire young minds to value themselves and others.

Imagine a world where each generation of young people know their inherent worth and treat every person with love and respect. Join us as we turn this distant possibility into the reality the next generation needs.

Our Impact


People in 109 Countries
have downloaded Signal Hill content


150,000+ students
have interacted with our lesson plans


155 Lesson Plans
are ready to download on our storefront

Leadership Team


Janice Nikkel

Executive Director


Janice loves to serve, connect, and help build others up, especially those in the next generation. Having been involved in both local and global educational ventures, she loves seeing children and young people flourish as they understand that their life matters. When she’s not spearheading initiatives at Signal Hill, she proudly wears the title of wife to Farmer Pete, mom to four, and now a Gramma! 

Q: What Signal Hill Lesson plan do you wish your younger self had? 

“Growing up I thought I was being self centred if I spent time on me. . . it took a long time for me to know that once I cared for myself, I was able to be more "others-minded" and serve better.”


Shannon Dyck

Financial Administrator


When she's not waterskiing, you'll find Shannon at Signal Hill processing donations, managing our books and making sure our bills are paid. We can count on her to keep everything on track with her trusty day-timer always close by. We are so grateful for her!

Q: What Signal Hill Lesson plan do you wish your younger self had? 

“Our families do the best that they know how. I was raised being compared to others. Probably so that I would step up and be a better person because of it, but what resulted was the opposite. I have always felt incompetent and not good enough. It's only in my 50's that I've come to realize that I am good enough the way I am. No need to feel bad because someone else is better at something then I am. I wish I'd known that many years ago."


Ellie Bellicini

Development + Communications Coordinator


Ellie knows first-hand the positive impact of growing up in an environment where meaningful conversations happen on the regular. She’s worked as a leader to teenagers in various capacities and is Signal Hill’s expert communicator. You will find her updating our social media, writing and inventing new ideas.

Q: What Signal Hill Lesson plan do you wish your younger self had? 

“Jealousy and the comparison game directed a lot of my actions especially in middle school. I think this lesson plan could have really positively impacted me to know that I did not need to people-please or change myself for others to like me.”


Jacqueline Bay

Indigenous Engagement Liaison


Jacqueline's role reflects her passion for lifelong learning and dedication to fostering meaningful conversations with an emphasis on Indigenous cultural safety and value. Signal Hill, as an organization that promotes learning, provides her with an excellent platform to pursue these interests and contribute to the community's growth.

Q: What Signal Hill Lesson plan do you wish your younger self had? 

“Growing up as an Indigenous kid in an era where there was less understanding and acceptance, I believe my younger self would have benefitted from the lesson, “I Am Enough”.  When we have a deep understanding that we are “enough”, it is a natural segue to knowing others are also “enough”. There is a beautiful transference of respect and value in that.”

Common Questions

I am a Canadian - Is my donation tax deductible?

Absolutely! We are a registered charity in Canada and are able to provide tax receipts for Canadian individuals and businesses. Our CRA business number is 12966 9818 RR0001.

I am American - Is my donation tax deductible?

Yes, we are proud to be recognized as a 501(c)(3) organization in the U.S. This means that we are approved by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a tax-exempt, charitable organization, and can issue tax receipts to U.S. donors, businesses, and foundations. Our IRS Employer Identification number is 98-1156450.

How are you funded?

Signal Hill operates with a balanced budget; we do not spend funds that we do not have. In the 2019 fiscal year, operational revenues for Signal Hill came from donors [72%], foundations and grants [21%], and program sales and ancillary revenue [7%]. We are primarily donor funded so that we can make our programs available to as many people as possible.

Can a person or business donate in-kind gifts?

Yes, we are set up to receive in-kind donations. To encourage student participation in taking surveys or participate in our online programming, we frequently offer material prizes that are donated. Please contact us for more information.

What programs do you offer?

We currently offer an online portal of K-12 educational resources, such as lesson plans, printable resources, and video workshops. Each resource is designed by teachers for teachers, and made with the goal of helping them both accomplish their curricular objectives and educate their students in important life lessons.

What’s your educational approach to impacting young people?

One of the key things we've learned over the years is that reaching young people requires a lot more than simply loading them up with content and statistics. How we engage is just as important as what we say. So, we’ve crafted our approach to be story-based, humorous, and highly relevant to the world of young people. In other words, and to be a bit cheeky, we share the important stuff that parents and teachers are saying, but just do it in a funnier and more relatable and engaging way.

Are your programs backed by science and research?

Yes, all of our programs and curriculum are backed by science and research. When we create educational material, we do so in collaboration with researchers, educators, and counselling professionals. For data and statistics, we use data provided for by peer-reviewed journals and primarily national agencies such as the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Statistics Canada, PEW Research, and the Canadian Centre for Substance Use and Addiction.


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tools and initiatives.

Signal Hill Life Education Society is a registered Charity in both Canada and the United States, dedicated to helping young people become thriving influencers who value every person.

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